We bring PrimeData customer data & personalization platform together with DX consulting & digital marketing to deliver committed growth & profit for medium & large enterprises.

Empower every teams with CDP‑driven data & automation

PrimeData CDXP brings unified customer data & personalization experience management to all functional & business units.

Create unified & seamless experience to increase sales, CLV and conversion in omni-channel orchestration.
Customer Analytics
Unified customer view 360 and micro-segmentation for actionable insights.
Sales & Service
Create excellent omni-channel customer engagement thanks to complete customer view 360 & personalization.
Comprehensive & clean customer data mart for BI, Analytics & Business Applications.

Deliver marketing & business impact

With CDXP and digital marketing practices, PrimeData delivers committed business results.

A single view of customer insight

A single view of customer insight

Increase ROAS (top funnel)

Increase ROAS (top funnel)

Increase CLV, CR, AOV, Cross-sales

Increase CLV, CR, AOV, Cross-sales

Boost Sales

Boost Sales

Our early customers & partners


Have any questions?

We are open for any consultancy, demonstration or partnership.

How PrimeData transforms marketing & business?

PrimeData is the end-to-end customer data analytics & omni-channel experience marketing hub for researchers, marketers, and business applications.

Single Customer View 360

Track & integrate with all online & offline marketing & sales channels (web, mobile app, loyalty, e-com, social, chat, message, CRM, POS/ERP, Call Center, etc.) to build a complete and unified view of customer ID & profile:

  • Unified profile & ID from all channels (matching)
  • Enrich profile: geolocation, demographic, loyalty class…
  • Live tracking: product, content, category browsing & buying
  • Predictive ML-based attributes: LTV, AOV, propensity score, likelihood to purchase, affinity score (product cat, channel, time)

Micro Segmentation by Machine Learning

By building rich customer profile with ML-based attributes, PrimeData empower marketers and other business users to:

  • Analyze hundreds of micro segments for Marketing & Business Planning
  • Create powerful & flexible micro segments to activate in acquisition, retention, loyalty or advocacy campaigns
  • Select to stream in real-time to other business softwares (contact center, BI analytics, reporting dashboard, etc.

Micro Segmentation by Machine Learning

By building rich customer profile with ML-based attributes, PrimeData empower marketers and other business users to:

  • Analyze hundreds of micro segments for Marketing & Business Planning
  • Create powerful & flexible micro segments to activate in acquisition, retention, loyalty or advocacy campaigns
  • Select to stream in real-time to other business softwares (contact center, BI analytics, reporting dashboard, etc.

Omni-channel personalization & marketing automation

All teams can now create single or omni-channel personalization offers or campaigns, and measure campaign performance with campaign attribution, goal-aligned analytics to maximize ROMI (return on marketing investment) by:

  • Increase visitor-to-order conversion (CR)
  • Increase ad targeting effectiveness (ROAS)
  • Reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Fully self-service analytics studio

All researches, analytics, or tracking dashboards can be created easily by end-users from all teams (Segmentation, Web, Campaign, Media, Management, etc):

  • Industry-specific segments & campaigns analytics
  • Customer Journey analytics: Conversion funnel, user paths, cohorts, etc.
  • Event analytics
  • Sales & customer service key metrics

Fully self-service analytics studio

All researches, analytics, or tracking dashboards can be created easily by end-users from all teams (Segmentation, Web, Campaign, Media, Management, etc):

  • Industry-specific segments & campaigns analytics
  • Customer Journey analytics: Conversion funnel, user paths, cohorts, etc.
  • Event analytics
  • Sales & customer service key metrics

On-premise & Cloud hosting

PrimeData supports all types of hosting models to satisfy enterprise data privacy & security:
  • ● On-premise Host: Bare mental servers, or native cloud
  • ● Public Saas